Mission statement

Human Platform Association (HP) unites professional associations, NGOs and individuals working in the field of health care, culture, education and social care. HP is dedicated to represent and protect professional values, improve quality of life and foster social solidarity.

HP`s task is to enhance interest representation and further social control over pubic authorities in social matters, and to monitor state actions and the redistribution of resources in the related fields. By formulating criticism and recommendations with regards to ongoing as well as prospective government programmes, we seek to contribute to the development of well-reasoned and sustainable policies.

HP supports professional autonomy as well as coordination within and between sectors so as to involve everyone concerned in the decision-making processes. As a full-fledged member of the public policy arena, HP is non-partisan but engages in a public and formalized dialogue with the government and political parties. By providing correct and authentic information to the public, HP is committed to promote transparency and raise awareness of the issues addressed.

We take part in the mobilization of civil society. We support the establishment and consolidation of grassroot organizations and initiatives, and cooperate with them in achieving out common goals. We stand up for democratic rights, and for the respect of minority opinions and the diversity of values. With the toolkit of the civil society, we fight for social mobility and against inequalities, and espouse decent human life.

© Humán Platform